Episode 15 (ignore Cristy's last words on this one, she meant 15!)
Topics for discussion at the watercooler include:
- The "Motorcycle Vagina" controversy. What is this crap you ask? Well, we're going to tell you.
- Results of a Lane Splitting Study released
- More women are lane splitting
- http://www.dealernews.com/dealernews/article/more-women-riders-are-lane-splitting-california-study
- BMW Recalls
- Motorcycle Show Dates for 2013-2014 have been announced
- http://www.motorcycleshows.com/news/2013-2014-progressive-international-motorcycle-shows%C2%AE-fact-sheet
- Kicks off at San Mateo! Long Beach and NYC are back to back?!
- What is Traction Control when it comes to motorcycles? Do you need it? Why or Why Not?
- Gear Discussion:
- Baselayers! Why are they as important as your outer layer of gear??
- Icebreakers Merino Wool Baselayers
- http://us.icebreaker.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-IB-US-Site/en/Home-Page
- End of Season Sale 30% Off now thru August 12, 2013
- Other ways to stay Cool while riding: